You just got a positive pregnancy test. You did not plan on this and want to get an abortion. Now what? Three things will need to be completed prior to your abortion appointment: Lab-quality pregnancy testing An ultrasound Consultation regarding your pregnancy...
While some STDs can go away on their own, it is best to get screened and treated as soon as possible to prevent them from getting worse and causing lasting damage to your reproductive system. This article will review some helpful details about STD’s, explain whether...
Drawing exact conclusions about abortion and mental health is controversial. This is because women report a range of emotions after an abortion from relief through grief and depression. Sometimes a woman may feel relief at first then many years later feel grief or...
An adoption plan can prevent some depression caused by abortion by enabling women to carry to term and mitigate their sense of loss, or what could have been. Mental Health After Abortion The effects of abortion on mental health are impossible to generalize because...
When a person has oral, anal, or vaginal sex, they are at risk of diseases that are transmitted sexually (STD or STI). Some STDs are more infectious than others and have varying levels of severity. Just because you are sexually active does not automatically mean...
Experiencing an unplanned pregnancy can be a stressful experience for both the woman and her partner. If your girlfriend has recently discovered she’s pregnant, you likely have some questions regarding your options and the costs you might encounter along the way....
If you’re pregnant, the thought of passing a sexually transmitted disease or infection to your child can be highly concerning. Thankfully, we’re here to help! Pregnancy Care Center of Rincon is passionate about providing women with the quality healthcare they...
No matter your circumstances, abortion is never an easy decision. Although many women feel relief immediately after their abortion, some also say they experience guilt, depression, and anxiety days, months, or even years later. If you’re struggling with your abortion...
When it comes to abortion, every state in America has its own specific laws and restrictions. While some states do offer Medicaid coverage for abortion, others have specific requirements. What Are the Abortion Laws in Georgia? In Georgia, abortion must be performed by...
The abortion pill, a chemical/medication abortion, has been seen to hold many misconceptions that are important to be aware of when considering an abortion. Abortion, in all forms, is a significant decision both emotionally and physically. We hope that you are...