How Will Abortion Affect Me Mentally?

If you’re considering abortion, it’s important to understand not just the physical risks, but also the potential mental health effects. While every woman’s experience is unique, research shows that abortion can lead to adverse mental health effects that may surface...

What Can Guys Do with an Unplanned Pregnancy?

Facing an unplanned pregnancy can be a life-changing moment for both you and your partner. You might feel uncertain about your role as a man, but your involvement and support can make a significant difference. Here are some ways to step up, support your partner, and...

How to Navigate the Holidays with an Unexpected Pregnancy

While the holidays can be a festive and often hectic time, filled with gatherings, traditions, and excitement, navigating this season in the midst of an unexpected pregnancy can add another layer of complexity—whether it’s dealing with changing emotions, explaining...

How to Tell Your Partner and Family You Are Pregnant

Finding out you’re unexpectedly pregnant can be overwhelming, and the thought of telling your partner and family the news is likely only adding to your stress right now. However, you can take steps to feel more prepared and gain confidence to approach the...

How Will Pregnancy Affect Me Mentally?

Pregnancy can affect your mental health in different ways. Some women might feel excited by the news.However, if you were not expecting a positive pregnancy test result, you’re likely feeling mentally confused, stressed, and overwhelmed right now. While your life...

Top 7 Pregnancy Symptoms

Think you might be pregnant? While taking a pregnancy test is the first step to finding out, there are signs you can look out for that may indicate you’re pregnant. This article will highlight the top 7 pregnancy symptoms to look out for. However, if you’re looking...

What Can I Do If My Partner Doesn’t Support My Pregnancy?

Facing a pregnancy without the support of your partner can be incredibly challenging and emotionally taxing. However, it’s important to remember that you have options and resources available to help. This article highlights actions you can take if your partner doesn’t...

What Are the Early Pregnancy Symptoms?

Did you miss your period this month? Did you recently have unprotected sex and are worried you might be pregnant? No matter what happened, if there’s a chance you’re pregnant, you’re likely feeling overwhelmed and worried about what to do next. While taking a...